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International collaboration strengthens global disease surveillance News

International collaboration strengthens global disease surveillance

Increasingly researchers have used wastewater surveillance as an effective tool to find out what viruses and which strains of viruses—for example, SARS-CoV-2 variants—are circulating within a community. Providing real-time insights into which diseases might be on the rise helps public health officials to detect and contain outbreaks before they become global pandemics. In late Spring 2023, Scripps Research postdoctoral associates…
August 11, 2023
CViSB Center renewed with $12.8 million grant Press Releases

CViSB Center renewed with $12.8 million grant

Scientists at Scripps Research have received a significant grant to study the evolution and outcomes of human infections with SARS-CoV-2, Lassa virus and Ebola virus. The team will receive roughly $2.5 million each year for a maximum of five years, bringing the total potential award to $12.8 million. The funds—a grant renewal from the the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH)…
April 13, 2023
Ebola relapse study out in NEJM Congo RiverPublications

Ebola relapse study out in NEJM

Our study investigating a rare case of Ebola relapse has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Together with our colleagues at INDR in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, and several other institutions, we investigated a case of a vaccinated man who had already been sick with Ebola fell ill with…
April 9, 2021
Ebola antibody research Cell abstractPublications

Ebola antibody research

In two papers published in Cell and Cell Host Microbe together with our collaborators at VIC, CViSB, and VHFC we describe in detail antibody responses to Ebola virus. By systematic analysis of a large set of more than 170 monoclonal antibodies to Ebola virus, we investigated which immunological features play key roles in protection against the virus. This was our first…
August 10, 2018
CViSB established cvisbPress Releases

CViSB established

Scripps Research scientists receive $15 million to study viral outbreak survivors. With a new $15 million grant, scientists at Scripps Research are gearing up for an in-depth study of survivors of viral outbreaks. The grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will support the efforts of the Scripps Research-led Center for Viral Systems…
February 15, 2018
Ebola paper in Cell Cell abstractPublications

Ebola paper in Cell

In a recent study published in Cell together with colleagues from UMass Worcester and the Broad, we show how a single mutation that occurred during the 2013-2016 Ebola virus disease epidemic in West Africa increased the ability of the virus to infect human cells. The mutation occurred in the Ebola virus glycoprotein and is located in the receptor binding domain of…
November 22, 2016
Review on Ebola evolution in Nature Nature paperPublications

Review on Ebola evolution in Nature

The 2013-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was of unprecedented size and devastation, but also stands a landmark for infectious disease genomics. By sequencing virus genomes directly from patient samples, scientists are now able to investigate how viruses evolve, transmit between individuals, and spread across country borders during outbreaks, directly informing infection control.
October 12, 2016