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figure 1DataNews

PAHO Zika numbers

Data here. Permanent Andersen Lab project link is here. Most epidemiological investigations of Zika virus during the current epidemic in the Americas requires temporal human case data. The only place to gather this information is is from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), an arm of the World Health Organization. They present Zika virus case numbers in two ways: spreadsheets of…
June 26, 2017
2017 Andersen LabNews

Growing bigger

The laboratory is still growing steadily. Mark joined us in February coming from Columbia in New York, where he did a short postdoc after having completed his PhD in Belgium. Glenn will officially join us as a graduate student in June, after having worked on multiple projects with us for a while. He's been running the SRTI main lab for…
May 19, 2017

Zika sequences from Miami mosquitoes

Data here. Protocol here. Three pools of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes collected in Miami Beach on August 22nd and 23rd, 2016, were found to be infected with Zika virus. Through our collaborators, Scott Michael and Sharon Isern from Florida Gulf Coast University, we recently received samples of these mosquitoes for sequencing using our amplicon-based protocol for MiSeq. (more…)
September 10, 2016

Zika sequence from local Florida transmission

Data here. Protocol here. In collaboration with Dr. Diogo Magnani in the Watkins Laboratory in the Dept. of Pathology at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine, we recently received plasma and saliva from two people with Zika virus infections living in the Miami area. Using our amplicon-based approach previously used to sequence Zika virus from travel-related Zika virus cases in…
September 7, 2016

Navigating the Zika panic

The epidemics of Ebola virus in West Africa and Zika virus in America highlight how viruses can explosively emerge into new territories. These epidemics also exposed how unprepared we are to handle infectious disease emergencies. This is also true when we consider hypothesized new clinical features of infection, such as the associations between Zika virus infection and severe neurological disease,…
August 4, 2016

Feature in Politiken

The leading Danish newspaper Politiken had a feature on our work in the September 20th 2015 Sunday section. The article discusses our past and ongoing work with Lassa and Ebola. The full feature describes how we have investigated both Lassa and Ebola virus evolution based on our most recent papers in Cell and Science. (more…)
September 20, 2015

Background story in Wired

Erika Check Hayden - who is a frequent contributor to Nature News and others - just published an article in Wired Magazine describing some of the work we do as part of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. The article is focused on our work with Ebola survivors and outlines our research aimed at find new and better treatments for Ebola.  (more…)
June 30, 2015

Come join the lab!

The Andersen Lab is officially opening at Scripps Research in May 2015. We're looking for people to come join us and are especially interested in postdocs and staff scientists with backgrounds in computational biology and/or experimental biology. (more…)
March 18, 2015