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Kristian Andersen

Zika papers in Nature 2017-Nature-celebrationPublications

Zika papers in Nature

In a series of papers in the journals Nature and Nature Protocols, we used Zika virus sequencing from patients and mosquitos to show how the virus has spread across South America and into Florida. This work was performed as a large (huge!) collaboration of national and international institutions, which was made possible because of open science and open data.
May 25, 2017
Growing bigger 2017 Andersen LabNews

Growing bigger

The laboratory is still growing steadily. Mark joined us in February coming from Columbia in New York, where he did a short postdoc after having completed his PhD in Belgium. Glenn will officially join us as a graduate student in June, after having worked on multiple projects with us for a while. He's been running the SRTI main lab for…
May 19, 2017
Ebola paper in Cell Cell abstractPublications

Ebola paper in Cell

In a recent study published in Cell together with colleagues from UMass Worcester and the Broad, we show how a single mutation that occurred during the 2013-2016 Ebola virus disease epidemic in West Africa increased the ability of the virus to infect human cells. The mutation occurred in the Ebola virus glycoprotein and is located in the receptor binding domain of…
November 22, 2016
Review on Ebola evolution in Nature Nature paperPublications

Review on Ebola evolution in Nature

The 2013-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was of unprecedented size and devastation, but also stands a landmark for infectious disease genomics. By sequencing virus genomes directly from patient samples, scientists are now able to investigate how viruses evolve, transmit between individuals, and spread across country borders during outbreaks, directly informing infection control.
October 12, 2016
Travel-related Zika cases in Florida DataProtocols

Travel-related Zika cases in Florida

Figure 1. Coverage plots of the included samples. Data here. Protocol here. In a collaboration with Scott Michael and Sharon Isern from Florida Gulf Coast University and Florida Department of Health, we have recently received several travel-related cases detected across Florida. We have now managed to sequence Zika virus genomes from three of these case and the data and analyses can be accessed here.
August 30, 2016
Flawed Ebola study in Science ratesPublications

Flawed Ebola study in Science

In a technical comment in Science, we show how a study published in 2015 by Hoenen, Feldmann, and others was based on faulty analyzes and a misunderstanding of the findings. The original article by the authors, as well as a later published erratum, failed to account for significant data analysis errors performed by Hoenen and colleagues. 
August 12, 2016
Navigating the Zika panic NewsPublications

Navigating the Zika panic

The epidemics of Ebola virus in West Africa and Zika virus in America highlight how viruses can explosively emerge into new territories. These epidemics also exposed how unprepared we are to handle infectious disease emergencies. This is also true when we consider hypothesized new clinical features of infection, such as the associations between Zika virus infection and severe neurological disease,…
August 4, 2016
Zika virus pilot (update) Data

Zika virus pilot (update)

We have now received several hundred de-identified clinical samples from the Dominican Republic and Colombia. Unfortunately, they all have extremely low viral lows (Ct values > 38 in the few that are positive), so we’re continuing our technology development. We are following a couple of different strategies:
July 21, 2016