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Flawed Ebola study in Science ratesPublications

Flawed Ebola study in Science

In a technical comment in Science, we show how a study published in 2015 by Hoenen, Feldmann, and others was based on faulty analyzes and a misunderstanding of the findings. The original article by the authors, as well as a later published erratum, failed to account for significant data analysis errors performed by Hoenen and colleagues.  (more…)
August 12, 2016
Roots, Not Parachutes Publications

Roots, Not Parachutes

Infectious disease outbreaks continue to pose challenges to global health and security, prompting reactive countermeasures. Recently, severe outbreaks of Ebola and Zika virus were designated by the World Health Organization as “Public Health Emergencies of International Concern.” Other emerging viral pathogens have warranted similar attention, including virus outbreaks from Lassa, Chikungunya, avian influenza, Nipah, SARS, and MERS. (more…)
June 30, 2016
Feature in Politiken News

Feature in Politiken

The leading Danish newspaper Politiken had a feature on our work in the September 20th 2015 Sunday section. The article discusses our past and ongoing work with Lassa and Ebola. The full feature describes how we have investigated both Lassa and Ebola virus evolution based on our most recent papers in Cell and Science. (more…)
September 20, 2015
Background story in Wired News

Background story in Wired

Erika Check Hayden - who is a frequent contributor to Nature News and others - just published an article in Wired Magazine describing some of the work we do as part of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. The article is focused on our work with Ebola survivors and outlines our research aimed at find new and better treatments for Ebola.  (more…)
June 30, 2015
Ebola paper out in Cell Publications

Ebola paper out in Cell

In a large collaboration between the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, Kenema Government Hospital, Harvard University, Broad Institute, Tulane University, Edinburgh University, the CDC, USAMRIID, and others we have just published a paper in Cell detailing the epidemiology, transmission, and evolution of Ebola virus over seven months in Sierra Leone.  (more…)
June 18, 2015