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Ebola paper out in Cell Publications

Ebola paper out in Cell

In a large collaboration between the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, Kenema Government Hospital, Harvard University, Broad Institute, Tulane University, Edinburgh University, the CDC, USAMRIID, and others we have just published a paper in Cell detailing the epidemiology, transmission, and evolution of Ebola virus over seven months in Sierra Leone. 
June 18, 2015
Rhabdo paper out in PNTD Publications

Rhabdo paper out in PNTD

Our new paper on the discovery of two novel rhabdoviruses in Nigeria is out in PLoS Neglected. In this study we used NextGeneration Illumina sequencing to look for viruses in the blood of sick and healthy individuals. Surprisingly, we discovered the presence of two completely rhabdoviruses in healthy individuals.
March 18, 2015