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Preliminary Report on H5N1 in Cattle H5N1 treeNarrativeNews

Preliminary Report on H5N1 in Cattle

During the winter of 2020-2021, a new genotype of highly-pathogenic (HP) H5N1 avian influenza A virus emerged in Europe, comprising a reassortant between the epizootic HP clade H5N8 and local low pathogenicity wildfowl strains. This new genotype caused record levels of infections in farmed poultry throughout Europe and quickly traveled, via waterfowl flyways, into North America, Africa and East…
Age distribution of COVID-19 cases in San Diego County ages_testsDataNarrative

Age distribution of COVID-19 cases in San Diego County

To understand the spread of COVID-19 in San Diego, we looked at the age distribution of COVID-19 over time (Figure 1). Data for this analysis was provided by the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch of the County of San Diego Health and Human Services agency through the San Diego Open GIS Data Portal. The visualization was inspired by Gytis Dudas's…
November 24, 2020
Narrative 2 | Cross-border virus transmission narrativeDataNarrative

Narrative 2 | Cross-border virus transmission

English: To gain insights into the the emergence, spread, and transmission of COVID-19 in our community, we are working with a large number of partners to sequence SARS-CoV-2 samples from patients in San Diego and across the border in Tijuana. In this preliminary analysis we look at the how the outbreaks are connected between California, USA and Baja California,
July 31, 2020